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Surat CINTA Tijah ^^ (funny letter)

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Tijah budak kampung, tapi bekerja di Kuala Lumpur .
Biasalah bila sudah duduk "town", mula lupa asal usul. Pakaian seksi
maut, bercinta pula dgn lelaki mat saleh. Ke hulu ke hilir menayang
boyfriendnya yg bermata biru. Punyalah eksyen si Tijah, hinggalah suatu
hari dia ternampak lelaki Inggeris tadi dgn wanita lain yg lebih
 cantik dan bergaya daripadanya. Tijah menangis tiga hari tiga malam.
 Pada malam ke empat, Tijah mengambil sehelai kertas
dan menulis surat untuk memutuskan perhubungannya dgn lelaki mat saleh
tadi yg baru sebulan dikenalinya. Begini bunyi surat yg
ditulis oleh Tijah binti Kulup Kecil, yg berjaya
"dicuri" ...

I have think about this very cook-cook.
I know I clap one hand only.
Correctly, I have seen you and she
walk-walk together at town with eyes
myself. You grab hand she. You always ask for
apology back-back. I don't trust you again! You are
really crocodile land. My friend speak you play wood three.
First-first I think my friend lie me. But now I know you correct-correct
 play wood three. So, I break connection to pull my body from this love
 triangle. I know this result I pick is very correct, because you love
 she very high from me. So, I cut this connection to go far from here.
I don't want you to play-play with my liver. I have been crying until
 no more eye water thinking about you. I don't want banana
 to fruit two times.

Safe walk..

~moral of the story..think before u act..hehehe..~ ^^


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