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S i n g l e s D o m & C r u s h e s

So, being single? What's up with that? Some people might love it. Some might not. To me, everything has its pros and cons.. It's up to you, how you handle it.. Being a fun, hot, single me (laugh now now now! ), I think I'm in the middle. I like it for some reasons and hate it for other various reasons too. But what I like most when you're single--you can have CRUSHES!! And at the same time are not guilty for it.Crush. It’s normal I guess for people to have crushes on a certain someone. Been there, done that. heee ^^

Okeyh . its me but at behind me tu budak penyibuk ok !
 do not think all sorts of  ! ^^
You know you can’t help it when seeing you crush do things, going places and even just smile(even though he/she is not smiling at ya!)..You can basically just stare and drool right? It’s a good feeling Allah has given us. The gift to love and care for the opposite. Since it’s a blessing from Allah to us humans, it’s better to approach it in a positive way. What I mean is, please don’t have crushes on someone that is taken. It just destroys everything. Their loved ones, friendships and the most important thing: trust. I know we have been bombarded by the media of how you ‘should express how you feel’ and ‘show your emotions’..But stealing much? It just makes you look cheap and desperate. Oh and having a crush on a criminal too, for could just be too dangerous for you and your loved ones. Just can’t imagine how selfish a person can be by confessing their love to these two examples I’ve stated above.

So if you’re a single gal crushing over a single boy or vice versa, I say go ahead! Find out their interests and maybe from there you can connect. The crush period is where the fun starts. You get to know the person (coz you’ve been stalking him/her! haha) and at the same time being sincere with your feelings for them. If you’re not into the whole confessing game, try writing a letter for your crush here! It’s actually fun to read and see how people can be so passionately in love with someone..hee.. I’ve wrote once innit too. Just for fun’s sake. You can’t find it I guess. ~ ! hee ^^

Remember, ask Allah (for He knows best) for guidance if you have a crush on someone, and you just wanna be a bit sure about your feelings. InsyaAllah He will show you some pointers to whether having a crush on that someone is worth it or not. Goodluck!

Why are you writing this AqiLah? Do you have a crush on someone?? Maybe yes, maybe no? erkk NO ??? hmm NO KOMENN ! Nahhh…first of all I'm bored, and secondly I just wanna let it out and know, what would you do to your crush to let him/her notice you? Guna bomoh? Hahaha.. Remember, if you start off your relationship sincerely, sincere love will come back to you. LastLy , Sayangi Lah hubungan ANDA ^^


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