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Showing posts from October, 2010

Buat Suami Yang Baru KuPunya . :'(

I found this on Facebook . huhu . cedyh giler bila aku bace note neyh dari seorang mamat mane ntah . dye lah tukang wat citer neh .!/profile.php?id=1460687846  Selamat berkarya Tuah Mohd Bakheet . Disebabkan note yang dye ni post . sampaikan account FB dye dah FULL . fuhhh caya laa ! macam artis looo . BTW , bukan perempuan aje nangis . lelaki pon nangis gak . ( tu pengakuan pembace at note neh ) . Tajuk Note neyh "AKU DAH KAWIN SEKARANG" Aku dah kawin skarang. Bini aku memang baik sangat2. Tapi dia x seperti yang aku expect masa kami belom kawin dulu. Masa belom kawin, aku tengok dia memang sorang yang pendiam je, jarang gile cakap ngan laki. Member2 mmg puji la cara dia. So memang susah jugak aku nak cuba tegur dia masa tu.. segan dowh. Memang obvious lah kalau aku tegur. Tapi aku suka dia macam tu, so xde la cemburu sangat sebab dia jarang borak2 ngan laki.. Cantik? Memang la, kalu x aku comfirm x sangkut punyer.


Erk . aku terasa pipi aku basah and di kucup lembut lerr .adeyh . upe nye mak aku . dy cium pipi aku . (waaa . malu nye aku) mak aku bg nsht lah jgk . law ada pape hal bg tahu . mcm2 lah jugk dye bg tahu . time dy bg thu tu aku pure pure tidur . and buat2 xdgr ap yg dy ckp . sedyh derr dgr dye ckap . huhu . mak aku , ina and zati ari ni kene p kuchng sbb mak aku ad join slim world . da lame dy join . smpi skunk still aktif . afiq xikut sbb dy kene men futsal petang lak . nenek aku tgl aje at umah . aku? besok petg dh nk balek kl . kesian plak kat nenek aku tgl sorang sorang . aku risau jugak dgn nenek aku tuh . Umaj aku tu tinggi . takut dy nk turun tangge nti jtuh . adeyhh . aku xnk mintak . aku cume bg tahu je , aku betul2 risau pasal dye . huhu . time mak aku da bertolak ke kuching . aku ngn afiq tidur balek . nenek aku tu . org x suruh dy wat keje . dy p wat keje . rajin betul . mengemas pon dye . memasak pon dye . mencuci pon dye . sume lah dye . smpi kn baju aku pon dy p cu


 Erk ? aku bgn awal la jugak ari ni . tyne tu dah pukul 10 pagi . aku p mandi , sarapan . then aku siap siap kn diri nak p sekolah teknik aku . kol 1 petang aku dah smpu dekat sekolah aku . ambek sijil Kadet Polis ku . kalau xamek kunk sayang plak . sebab sijil Polis tu penting sangat . Lepas aku amek sijil polis . aku p pejabat . nak amek sijil safari membaca . Sijil tu aku join membaca sapa palink cepat baca at skrin putih depan orang ramai . Laju giler bende tu susah lah aku nk tangkap ape yang aku bace kan . huhu . tapi aku dapat jugak sijil safari membaca tuh . hee ^^ Besh la kalau kumpul2 sijil neyh . huhu . tapi kalau etlit lagi besh . banyak gilerr . huhu . Bile aku nk p amek sijil safari . aku kene tunggu kol 2 petang . masalah nye lambat lagi kol 2 petang . mama lak tgh tunggu kat gate sekolah . mestilah lame dy kene tunggu . so, aku nak g ngn aa jer laa p sekolh nanti . ERM , aku pon p at mama aku yang aku nk p amek sijil safari petang nanti dengan aa . mama teru

Arghh ! Geram !

 Huh! tension with my current problem. I dont know want to do any more. YaAllah! Help me to deal with this problem. I'm going to make will be hurt again. My little brother. stupid !! dah already knows the problem at  home xpasal2  wat problem at  near  school. And Xpasal pasal gak kena get out from the school. Im Tension ! Teacher there , call my mom came to school my little bro because he was already attack chines boy there. After all, he did not intentionally want to violate my little bro. Chinese boy tu came to school by car. I do not know how  chinese boy langgar belakang  motor my little bro. not my little bro je kene langgar budk2 len pon kene jugak . Two girls kene langgr gak and his friends the other pun kena jugak . After that , they are attack chines boy in the car . abis lah kene terajang . ramai pulak yg tolong tukang pukul . little bro lak p tendang pintu kete dak cine tuh . Bapak dak tu mintk ganti rugi RM200 kat adik aku yg b0ngok eee . sakit tol hati aku . xley

c i n t a M U

 Cintamu, Yang kurasa walau tak terucap, S'makin dalam Cintamu,yang terukir di batas cintaku, Selamanya Tak pernah kumencoba, Lepaskan cintamu walau sesaat, Sejujurnya diriku terlalu sayang padamu Kuingin s'lalu dalam, Cintamu Dan tiada yang kan memisahkan, Selamanya Cintamu, Yang terlimpas, terbias matamu S'lama ini Adakah di hatimu, Terselit satu harapan untukku Tuk' berjanji selamanya kan selalu milikku Satu cinta, Tak pernah kumencoba, Lepaskan cintamu walau sesaat, Sejujurnya diriku terlalu sayang padamu Kuingin s'lalu dalam, Cintamu... 

Erkk mau jiwannk neyh !

 seandainya kau ada disini denganku mungkin ’ku tak sendiri bayanganmu yg selalu menemaniku hiasi malam sepiku kuingin bersama dirimu reff: ku tak akan pernah berpaling darimu walau kini kau jauh dariku ‘kan slalu kunanti karena kusayang kamu hati ini selalu memanggil namamu dengarlah melatiku kuberjanji hanyalah untukmu cintaku takkan pernah ada yg lain adakah rindu di hatimu seperti rindu yg kurasa sanggupkah kuterus terlena tanpamu di sisiku ku kan selalu menantimu

Hiasan Di Laman Rindu ^^

 Telah sekian lama sayang Ku pahat nama mu di hati Tak ingin rasanya berpisah Rindu mu penawar sepi ku Ungkapan akhir lahir di bibir mu Cinta palsu... Ku lempar segala kesalan Demi cinta pada mu Walaupun aku bisa tenggelam Mungkin terkubur dalam kelemasan Namun rindu ku ini semakin mendalam Kasih di hati nyala bagai bara Teguhnya tangkai bagai cinta ku Namun berbunga hampa Pedihnya ku hadapi perpisahan Biarpun harapan ku telah hancur berderai Kan ku hiasi kenangan ku laman rindu

its my secret ! HAHA

 HONEY it's my secret. Promise to me okay? do not mind telling other people. actually kan, I love you very highly. but I know you doubt me . near the mouth of another. In your heart its different . Right? never mind. up t0 you. You are definitely MY SWEETHEART !! 


 ERK ? Aku dah la late tido . wake up dr tidur pon late jugak sampai kan nk p old skool aku at teknik ngn kampung nangka pun x g . sepatut nye ari Isnin lagi kene g old sko0l aku tuh tapi tu lah aku . asek tangguh aje . asek lupe aje . asek bla bla bla laaa . lepas aku bngun dr tido . aku teurs p mndi , sarapan . kol 1 lebih aku p sembhayg zohur . Lepas aku sembhyg aku tolng mama kemas kn brg2 lak . letih nye aku . boleh plak aku angkat brg seberat 45kg . lam kotak besar seorang diri . adeyh2 . letih giler oii . mule2 nk angkt lngsung xgerak . lame2 dgn usaha aku . aku leh jugak angkt brg p turun at bawah umah aku . ish3 . tapi takut takut tu ada lah sebab tulang kaki sebelah kiri kdg2 xleh nk imbang kalau bwk or angkt brg berat2 neyh . Waaa kalau tgh mengandung . org cakap ... eh doktor pon ada bagi tahu . kalau org mngandung xleh angkat brg berat2 lebih dr 5kg . ish3 . nanti boleh gugur kandungn . huhu . ish . ari tu aku kat kelas belajar pasal PREGNANCY . Makk oii . aku XSAN


 TUESDAY ? erm ? what i do this day ? arghh ! aku boleh lupe yee ?? huhu . aku tinggal umah neyh . asek tido late aje ! kadang kadang lepas subuh bawu nak tido . ap aku buat ? online ? main game ? dengar lagu ? HMM sebenarnye aku main game jew . game online (adventure) BESHH sangat ! entahla . seronok ye ? yelah dok xad wat pe aku dok men game joler .. nak mengemas umah . dah ada orang tolong kemas kan . Law d0h tido lepas subuh . bangun mesti matahari dok meneg0o0 doyh . adeyh2 . anok dar0 jenis ap0 k0 ? watever ! Lepas bangun dari tidur . aku p mandi . tengok tv jap then p sembhyang zohur . pas sembhyg aku dok mngms lah sikit2 barang yg xd kemas lagi . sikit aje . selebihnye owg dtg kemas lak yg mengemas nye . ^^ bagus bagus bagus . kemas2 lah ye . nak nengo0ok sangg0p x mngemas cek yg besepah sepah neyh ? ADEYHH ! acctually , umah aku sangat sangat lah besepah . macam umah tikus k0t (xla sgt) . lepas mengmas aa dtg umah . dok melepak jap then terus dy nk menolong nye hee ^^ .

S i n g l e s D o m & C r u s h e s

So, being single? What's up with that? Some people might love it. Some might not. To me, everything has its pros and cons.. It's up to you, how you handle it.. Being a fun, hot, single me ( laugh now now now! ), I think I'm in the middle. I like it for some reasons and hate it for other various reasons too. But what I like most when you're single--you can have CRUSHES!! And at the same time are not guilty for it.Crush. It’s normal I guess for people to have crushes on a certain someone. Been there, done that. heee ^^ Okeyh . its me but at behind me tu budak penyibuk ok !  do not think all sorts of  ! ^^ ^_^ You know you can’t help it when seeing you crush do things, going places and even just smile( even though he/she is not smiling at ya!).. You can basically just stare and drool right? It’s a good feeling Allah has given us. The gift to love and care for the opposite. Since it’s a blessing from Allah to us humans, it’s better to approach it in a positive way

L i F e . M u s t . G o . O n

hello hello my friends , before that thanx  for willing spare ur time for visit my blog yeah.  okeyh . now we back to the tittle is about 'life must go on ' . this words really meaningful to me . what ever happen to us life must go on ryte ? dun think about the past . we have to move on to the future . but sometimes people always thinks that they say past is past . we need to move on to see the future . but how can we move on when our past is the only thing we ever wanted in the future . yeah . i agree wif them . but we have to accept the fact if she or he doesnt want to continue their relationship , etc ryte ? so whatever happen to us the most important is life must go on. no need to look back what we have to do is look foward . if we still try to remember our past . it can make us tension or stress ryte ? . so the best way how to forget it . we must always pray to Allah . and ask Allah for forgiveness and give us strength . and we have to smile always . :)

N o b o d y | P E R F E C T !

 Everybody Get's That Way... Everybody Makes Mistakes... Everybody Has Those Days...everybody Knows What I'm Talkin' 'bout... Everybody Get's That Way...sometimes I'm Here To Jam..i've Gotta Make A Might Be Crazy..i Do It Way To Know For Sure..i'll Figure Out A Cure..i'm Patchin' Up The Holes..but Then It Overflows..if I'm Not Doin' To Well..why Be So Hard On My Self?..nobody's Perfect! ..i Gotta Work It! ..tryin' Again 'till I Get It Right..nobody's Perfect! Live And You Learn It! ..and If I'm Messing Up Sometimes...nobody's Perfect..sometimes I Work A Scheme..but Then It Flips On Me..dosen't Turn Out How I Second Grade A Problem, Can Be Solved..once I Get Involved..i Try To Be Delicate..then Crash Right Into Intentions Are Good..sometimes Misunderstood..nobody's Perfect! ..i Gotta Work It! ..i Know I'm Saddled All The Way..nobody's Per


ARGH ! the day i spend my time to updating my blogger OUH i'm so tired to update this blog . By the way , i must finish my work when i facing at my lappy hee ^^ . caused it, i did not sleep today and just to update this blog . hee ^^ .  Entah laa . time bape laa aku tidoo agaknye yee? aku pon lupa . hu3 . aku tido mybe lam kol 10 pagi but i wake up dalam kol 2 petang then aku terus mandi and sembahyang zohur . penink nye saya ! i think when i wake up i must ready going to school . but ? my m0m ajak aku p kedai gunting rambut and also spa . ! ARGH ! Lepas siap2 . aku bagi tahu dekat a a yang aku xjadi g sekolah hari ni untuk ambek sijil2 aku at sane . HUHU . aku dengn mama je p salo0on .  ERK ? actually , i love my hair . but i must cut my hair now . erk ? Ooopss ! I had to cut my hair. workers there asked me to kind of do not cut my hair . ala . kenape lah dyeowg neh . suke hati aku lah . aku dah cakap kat tukang gunting tu , s0wh pendek macam .. i like this hair ! tapi ke

cant sleep tonyte =;=

When your tears are spent on your last pretense And your tired eyes refuse to close and sleep in your defense. When it's in your spine like you've walked for miles And the only thing you want is just to be still for a while If your heart wears thin I will hold you up And I will hide you when it gets too much I'll be right beside you When you're overwhelmed and you've lost your breath When the space between the things you know is blurry nonetheless. When you try to speak but you make no sound And the words you want are out of reach but they've never been so loud If your heart wears thin I will hold you up And I will hide you when it gets too much I'll be right beside you I will stay. Nobody will break you, Trust in me, trust in me. Don't pull away I'm just trying to keep this together, Because I could do worse and you could do better Tears are spent on our last pretense And your tired eyes refuse to close and sleep in your defe

w a n t ?

 I want a boy who will move the hair away from my eyes. ^^ sweet sangatt !   Who will hold my hand in line at the mall and make all the girls jealous.yeahh ! padan muke all gurl ! A boy who will sing to me at random moments. Who lets me sleep on his chest. I want a guy who will tell his family and friends all about me. Bring me soup or orange juice when I'm sick ( kalau lah terjadi heee ^^ ). I want a boy who is more goofy than romantic, but knows the right things to say at the right times. I want a boy who will call me 3 times a day if he went away. A boy who will apologize for calling too much, and no matter how many times I tell him its okay, he'd still do it. A boy who will let me gossip to him and just smile and agree with everything I say. A boy who will throw stuffed animals at me when I acted dumb and then jump on me and kiss me a million times. OUH ? (i yang TAKUT ). Who will bet kisses on who could beat who on at game. Who makes fun of me just to make me laugh.

o k e y h ! ^^

Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living? 
“Do you know what hurts the most about a broken heart? Not being able to remember how you felt before. Try and keep that feeling, ‘cause if it goes, you’ll never get it back…Then you lay waste to the world, and everything in it”.” 


“Realize now that when your heart breaks, you got to fight like hell to make sure you’re still alive. Because you are. And that pain you feel? That’s life. The confusion and fear? That’s there to remind you, that somewhere out there is something better, and that something is worth fighting for.”

P e r h a p s

 As I put down my pen, I know someone, somewhere is picking up theirs. I know that someone, somewhere is playing a guitar for the first time. I know that someone, somewhere is dipping a paintbrush and marking a field of white. I know that someone, somewhere is singing a song that’s never been sung. Perhaps someone, somewhere will create something so beautiful and moving, it will change the world. Perhaps that somewhere is here. Perhaps that someone, is you.

M i s s

 It's hard to get over people, and I mean really get over them. You can start having feelings for some other person, but it doesn't mean you're over them. It just means you're moving on. I know you can’t give me what I need. And even though you mean so much to me, I can’t wait through everything. Is this really happening? “I remember seeing girls crying in the bathroom on Monday morning about what they did at a party that weekend. I never wanted to be that girl.” True love means that you care for another person’s happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices your face may be. Think back and replay your year; if it doesn’t bring you tears of either joy or sadness, consider it wasted.   Be nice and smile to everyone you meet. You don’t know what they are going through, and they may need that smile, and treasure it. * * * “After all, computers crash, people die, relationships fall apart. The best we can do is breath

s k y p e !

 ON SKYPE! skype with my friends at homies homee (wangsa maju) really miss them ! Chrstina ! Azira and also Kiyah ! i also webcame with them . OHH TIDAKK ! happy sangat ! and and and update blog |  facebook bored. now i always ON skpye || FB || Blog =) who want webcame with me . ? you can add me okeyh ! BUT only for GURL okeyh ! hee ^^  |   |

W h a t ?

its hard to find a true and permanent  happiness. true happiness is not desire passion, fun, enjoy, love or else. just ask yours self what is the true happiness is. (: 

O l l i e . S y K e s

 OMG ! Ollie Sykes ! i really2 ad0re you . who OLLIE SYKES ? i don't know . BUT i think i must know you now . ryte? whatever ! yeah . i like you because your style ! simple but nice ! and all your t-shirt you use . i like ! CANTEKKKK ! and also you HAIR . ehehe ! ^^ BUT I'm sorry OLLIE SYKES  because I do not like you have a tattoo near your body . huhu OLLIE SYKES with His GIRLFRIEND OLLIE SYKES WITH DROP DEAD T-SHIRT

s t r e s s

i'm sick of me! being lazy. being a failure like a damsel in distress. everything that has to do with me! yeah, I'm stressed out with myself. what really bugs me. it's pathetic! let me gain more strength to bring myself in higher level

T o . . B e . .

 always beautiful when we first fall in love. Lama2 g 2 ar . adehh. no more excitement laa when masing2 ad aje ego2 neh. i dont understand guy. thats why i dont meant to be wif guy. haha! miserable Lerr if i am a guy. i will give my whole world to my girl. full of love. i will not cheating her. be the good one and so much gentle. and patient wif her.even she hitting me with a bricks! and i will never compare my gf with my ex. never. i should thanks to her, what ever she did to me. so much grateful. i like. macam gi tu  la. i wish im guy. i dont give a fuck. (: *despo*. :DD

F r i e n d ^^

 i miss to hang out with my best friends. just two of us. make a silly joke then laughing together like a crazy. hehe ^^. and share what a new gossip! or something secret want to be share. (: i can live without guy. i rather never get married, if i lost my best friends or family. because they know our feeling. they know how we feel if we hurt. they know how to care and cure our pain. they always be there when we need them. they always give us support  to boost our spirits. they so versatile!  i love my family & my girlfriends. :) *its doesnt mean im a lesbo ok?* hee ^^

i n n o c e n t ?

   i cant sleep  this night . im think about him. stupid bha! i should't say that to him. erkk! see.. i know he disappointed wif me. or maybe sulking wif me. i not lucky in love . i dont know how to care other heart and feeling. i just know how to care my heart. i want a freedom. i'm just want to be happy. i know, sound like selfish. but.. ya, when can i feel that im free? :'( 

22 & 23/10/2010

 ERK ?? Hari ni aku xlarat sangat nak g kelas . kepale sgt sgt lah sakit . huhu . sakit yang teramat amat sakit . huhu . asek2 penink aje . ase dunie ni sedang brputar tanpe henti ! arghh ! xtahan lak aku rase . kiyah pon xg kelas . sbb dy demam . huhu . tijot , azira and chrsty g kelas hari ni . huhu malam neh dah nak bertolak ke airport . huhu . baju2 lom kemas lagi . huhu memang aku xlarat nk g kelas bukn nk xnak g kelas tapi aku xleh nk bjalan kalau dah tlalu penink . nanti jatuh kalau berdiri . ape tah lagi nk berjalan . huhu . Dalam kol 10 lebih aku try jugak bangun . huhu p mandi pe sume , kemas2 bilik . penink pon dah okey sikit . lps kms bilik . aku p mkn meggi lgi . huhu . kiyah dah bngun . dy pun nmpk cm okey sikit .lps mkn aku p basuh baju pulak . then baru lah kms2 baju2 aku nk balek sarawak . Lepas kms baju . aku mesej bybix gune hp kiyah . 2 pon kiyah yg suruh msg dgn bybix . hp ni dy xpakai . tapi nombor hp tu khas utnuk kiteowg sume je . sebab mase last day jupe