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Starting the website ^_^

Starting the Friendster , Hi5 , Flixster ,
Myspace, Tagged and N0w

my first picture at friendster ^^

Firstly , this entry make me angry ! make me cry ! argghh !
semalaman i  xtido sebab update this blogger and
memerahkan idea lam otak ni .
btw , this entry mang dah end p0n story yg i
show kan ni . Dah nak PUBLISH oi but i terDELETE
story i tuh yang begitu panjang ! HUHU sob3 ~
Heran saia  ! time ni jugk lh dye nk buat Hal .

^ * ^ * ^ * ^

hello Friends ^^ ok.. now we back to the title.. Friendster is the first website that i active . i start active in Friendster since i was form 3.. and then to the Hi5 and Flixter .. at friendster, i byk dpt pngalaman yg baru such as member2 baru, well, as u now, Selama i active Friendster, Flixster and Hi5 .. i xpernah pernah couple ngn dak web and xpernah fall in love with someone at the website (time i on Fs, Flxter n Hi5 laa) hee ^^ . lame jugak lah i active fs nie..sudah 2 tahun lebih kot . btw , i da pun delete fs account i sebelum i nak p Kem . i means nk p kem PLKN at selangor pada tahun 2010  . i delete awal tahun 2010 with my friend la . she also want to delete fs account same like me . Ouh , sorry i cant be showing my fs account for you all ^^ . hua3


ok..finish about frienster, Flixster and Hi5 , then to the myspace . At the myspace make me so bored smpai i  rase nk je close my acc at myspace..but i xjd nk cloce sbb dat acc menemukan My sweet cousin and my old friends espeacially my friend at kelantan =) i miss damn much all of you . i l0ve you all ~ ! i'll be delete this acc when i think dat acc cant be use again ^^  hee ...


Then lepas i actve acc myspace . I open my email inbox at yahoo messenger..then one of my friends invite me to on9 at Tagged..then i try2 lah join acc tuh . xsilap i last year on APRIL kot..mule tu quite boring lah.sbb xthu kan.. mcm blur je.. so my member invite maen games on9.. start from tu lah.. i rase mcm best gak Tagged nie..Waaa . sampai kan i leyh couple s0wank guy ni at tagged . entah macm mane i bleyh couple dgn dy p0n i xtaw . i just try je couple ngn dak web ni . Then lepas couple ngn guy tu Tagged ni gak i meet someone so special for me .. hee ^^ i dah jumpe guy sebenar laaa . entah lah . dari c tu i betul betul Jatuh Cinta . betul aw ! even dat time tu i ad couple ngn dak lua tapi feel ngn dak lua (bukn dak web) sush i nk tafsir kan yang i rupe nye xpernah ada rasa cinta or sayang pada dak tuh (bukn dak web) in the same time i couple ngn dak web yg first time i kenal at Tagged . But , after that ... i dah chnge myself untuk menyanyangi and menyintai sowank guy je . ^^ . hmm . okeyh . same like acc Myspace i'll be delete dis acc but next time because i have 2 friend from Norway and abang angkat ^^ . lagi pun . i still contact them cume sometimes aje i contact dyeowg . bukan senang nak contact dyeowg . especially my friend from Norway . i miss them . really . i ajar dye pasal agama Islam . Actually , slah seorng dpd nye beragama Islam but dy xtahu tentang Islam . i pelik . tapi i tanye pasal agama dy lagi .

this is zarif from Norway  and sowang lagi koinor from Norway tapi picture dy i terbuang  masa i nak backup lappy i ni . Just picure zarif je i ada . zarif ngn koinor always ajar i pasal language dye0wg tapi i susah sangt nk faham apa  language N0rway ni . (: Zarif ni ada girlfriend . cantek . tapi sekarang ni i xtahu dye still contact agi ke x dgn girlfriend dye tu . (: . ok stop this acc ! then one of my friends invite me on9 at facebook..sebenarnye . i have 4 acc facebook termasuk yang i use facebook skg laa . tapi 3 acc tu i bleh plak lupe password . i dah buat facebook masa i balek kampung at johor bharu mase tu i f0rm 2 . i tengok abang lan maen FB . abang lan tuh i dah anggap dye macam abang kndung sendiri walaupun dye tuh abang sepupu i . berbalek pd citer tadi . bila friend i invite i untk bt acc fb .i p0n buat lh facebook .member i p0n cakap mcm best facebook ni, hmm.  i pk lah gak . bcoz ad someone yang i sayang men fb rupe nye. time tu i dun noe him ad acc fb . so, i try menjenakkan diri untk always active this acc but xlame i actve bcoz time tu i dok bz actve Tagged . ERM , pada mulenye bagi i facebook ni  quite boring lah.sbb xthu kan.. mcm blur je.. so my member invite maen games on9.. start from tu lah.. i rase mcm best gak facebook nie..lpas tu..i stop on9 jap.because bz of my study time tu im sitting for spm candidate quite busy lah..and xde mase sgt nak on9..lagi pon i ni duk hostel . so, memang jarang lah on9 . after sudah selesai my last paper.. esk nye.. i dh mule berjinak2 ngan facebook.. hehe.. so smpai skrg nie lah i still lg active at facebook..sampai kan i have 2 acc facebook (tak termasuk yg dulu) heee ^^ sebab first acc facebook dah full . hehe . rmai gak lah invite me to on9 at twitter .. mcm best je.. but i dah malas nak men web len . and i pon dah nk stopped plying all website ni . i betul betul nak focus kn masa depan i ngn seseorang ni and ngn study . i xmahu dye fikir i ni layan sepenuh orang lain and buat dye rase cemburu . i akan cube . tapi i harap sangat menjadi . i xnk berpisah ngn dye lagi . huhu  .

~someone special for me~

This guy is zaire ^^
First time i leyh jatuh cinta ngn mamat nieyh .
heran saya ! thats guy special for me . and now i really really
love him damn much and i bukn sje kenl dy lam web but i leyh plak
meet ngn dye . betul betul xsngke ! mcm mimpi aje ! huhu =) first time
i boleh tersangkut ngn dak web ni . dari pada xpernah ada feel
ngn dak web ni kan bleh ad feel plak . ajaib nye ! but , i betul betul
 brsyukur mengenali dye . hee ^^ i love you !

This guy is faizal just call him zal aje .
dye ni bro i . abang angkt aje . =) orang sabah ! berasal
dari penempatan kunak . tahu kunak? bhgian pendalaman laa .
sush nak pergi ke sana sebb jalan belum d perbaiki lagi . but his still
study at kolej teknologi darul naim , kelantan (KTD) heee . lame jugak i
xc0ntact dye . mase hari raya ari tu ada dye contact i but just wish raya la . ^^ .

okeyh ! this is first guy
i leyh couple at website in Tagged .
picture ni lah yg ad at acc Tagged dye .
but now his dah delete that acc ^^ . bila dapat
tahu dye pon ada acc Friendster i p0n add as his friend .
then lama kelamaan . i dah tahu sape dye . i pon rasa macam
 d permaenkn and i tahu dye ad gurl laen . so, dgn cara ni i rapat
and i couple dgn zaire ^^ (second couple at Tagged or website) .
Kat tagged i rase mcm berani . sebab dalam profile tu i couple dgn 2
guys of the same time . kesian nye . jahat betol i dulu bt manusia macm tu .
 myb nk bls dendam . tapi apa kn daya . i dah melukai orang yang i betul betul
sayang . rase bersalah . sampai kan i betul betul menyesal
buat dye macm tu (zaire) . sorry dear . =( . sampai sekarang i
 masih ingat ape yg telah berlaku .

my first Facebok ^^ 
i just chnge my name and my profile picture heee ^^ 
suka suki saya lah ! 
this acc mang i jarang use lah .. hehe

 this acc actually FULL sebb tu i buat lagi facebook .
huhu . i cant be accept all my friend this acc .
this acc gak just limit 5000 friends and cant be
confirm u all . thanks 4 u all be my friend . -=)


heee ^^ this is second my facebook (xtermasuk yg lame) setakat ni jela i use web and selain tu jugak i have blog yang bleh i meluangkan masa . Bukan tu aje ,  i have YM and skype . heee . i p0n da lame xactve ym and skype ni . tapi kalau ada perkara penting and i nak contact ngn famly . i use melalui skype or ym just untuk webcame aje .. hehe ^^ . But setakt ni jelah facebook yang i use . sebab i bt lagi acc fb ? sbab i tengok kawan2 i . i miss damn much ! i xboleh tengok dyeowg . i mesti rase rindu yang amat ! lagi pun org yg i syg still use facebook so,
i use jugk lah . huhu . hehe . i love you all ^^

 - bagi i at Tagged lah banyak kenangan pahit ngn manis ni -
and at Tagged jugak menemukan someone special for me .
heee ^^ thx


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