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W i n d o w s

 Hmm . Skunk ni cam2 program ada at dunia sistem neh kan ? Windows pon cantek2 jer tengok tapi xsume yang bagus lau guna pun sebab kadang2 windows ni hanye guna untuk bahgian2 yang tertentu jerr . macam ..Windows 7 RTM first look: More than just Vista fixes
A brief look at some key features and hidden gems in Windows 7. ^^ yerr . lagi pun banyk function la .

windows logo Pictures, Images and Photos


cAKap pasal security neyh ^^ The System and Security sub-section of the Control Panel acts as a clearinghouse for backing up data, preventing security breaches, and maintaining system performance. Must know your windows ni macam mane lah . kene tengok cara dye r. sebab byk function kene tahu .

windows 7 ultimate Pictures, Images and Photos

Werr . cantek memang cantek windows 7 neyh . tapi bukan dekat computer jer ada windows 7 aw . sekarang neyh dekat hanphone pulak ada . Sekarang pun Malaysia telah promote HTC handphone yang membolehkan microsoft windows 7 .

windows 7 Ultimate Pictures, Images and Photos


hEE ^^ When you're finally done installing Windows 7, this is what your new desktop will look like (except for the additional programs that have already been pinned to the taskbar in this image). Just like in previous versions of Windows, you can easily drag the taskbar to other edges of the screen and tweak its behavior. Notice that the icons are quite large, perfectly sized for the new native Windows 7 support for touch screens.


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I was lucky enough to get a windows host party along with the free full version, not sure what the catch is as why give away so many full versions but it does show how much better it is over vista, it's very fast as uses a lot less ram than vista, everything seems faster and you even get a free helpline for windows party hosts that I called as I had a driver problem, ^^

windows 7 ultimate Pictures, Images and Photos

Nice desktop

* * *
Windows 7 Ultimate gives you everything Home Premium and Professional offers—plus added security features and the flexibility to work in multiple languages. Create a home network and share all of your favorite photos, videos, and music. You can even watch TV programs for free, whenever and wherever you want.
Take a look at these highlighted features in Windows 7 Ultimate:
  • Get everything Home Premium and Professional offers—plus added security features and the flexibility to work in multiple languages
  • Use BitLocker and BitLocker To Go to better protect your valuable files—even on removable drives such as USB devices
  • Access corporate resources seamlessly when you’re on the Internet, without having to initiate a VPN connection**
  • Switch among any of 35 languages as easily as logging off and back on again
  • Back up your files to an external hard drive, secondary hard drive, writable CD or DVD, or to a network location
  • Take advantage of the powerful diagnostics and troubleshooters built into Action Center to resolve many computer problems on your own
  • Watch, pause, and rewind TV or record it to watch whenever and wherever you want (for some Windows Media Center functionality, a TV tuner and additional hardware may be required)


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