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hye there!
WeLcOmE To mY PaGe
ThAnKs ViEw mY bLoG
i juz want to share ab0ut feeLing to all my Fwenz
eSpecially about Love.


mAmA n AbAh

~My SeLf~

~mY SibLingz~

~SpEciaL s0mE0ne~
[a a][zaiRe][Qieyna]
*BeZfwen~My Love~CoUsin*

~My bEsT FwEnZ~
FwEnZ rApAt


zAzA LoVe MaL

QieyLa Love Zaire

Dedeq [Larry] Love a a

~Love is never having to say~
"pass the remote"
a guy knows he's in love when he loses interest in his car for a couple of days.
The reas0n we say "FALL IN LOVE" is that it makes it sound m0re like an accident.
Walking al0ng and fell in love.
i tried to get my b0ys t0 pull me 0ut,
but i g0t all tangled in r0pes and sticks,
and i c0uldn't break free.
Love is the answer
but while you're waiting for the answer
sex raises s0me intersting questi0ns.
my father used to say
if u want to different
do something different.
Love yourself as we my uell the people ar0und u,
0beserve self discipline and av0id being rude
seEk for the truth and learn m0re kn0wledge in the righten0us way.
Kn0w what is right and reasonable and do n0t create any tr0uble.
Be simple and humble be thrify
and frugal.
i love u my dear...
Hati itu umpama kaca
jangan biar ia retak
Akal itu umpama air
jangan biar ia kering
Iman itu umpama debu
jangan biar hilang
Persahabatan itu pula umpama tali
jangan biar kan ia putus.
Aku sedia kan bg hamba-Ku yg
soleh suatu yg tidak pernah
d pandang dgn mata
tidak pernah d dengari dgn telinga
dan tidak pernah d ati manusia.
"Sesungguhnya masjid itu adalah
rumah bagi setiap orang
yang bertakwa dan barangsiapa
yang merasakan masjid itu adalah rumahnya
Allah menjaminnya mendapat
rahmat dan ketenangan serta
melintasi titian sirat menuju keredhaan
Allah di dalam Syurga.
"Cintakan bunga,
bunga akan layu,
cintakan manusia,
suatu hari dia akan pergi jua,
cintakan Allah,
hanya DIA yang akan kekal abadi.
Maafkan aku wahai
jika aku menyakiti hatimu
bukan niatku menyakitimu
bukan niatku melukakanmu
aku m0h0n maaf atas kesilapan aku.


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